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Riding the bull; the npm package, that is

· 22 min read

This is a post about a specific Node.js library, named bull, which is used to execute background jobs.

The reason I am writing this is to address some cases which the library does not cover out of the box and share our experience on how we solved them in case others have the same needs.

I assume that you are already familiar with bull and how to use it so I will not waste time providing instructions. The official documentation can be found here, so I strongly recommend looking at it first before you read any further.


In a system we were working on, we had the requirement for a jobs service. That jobs service had to be written in Node.js for reasons that are irrelevant to this article. The important part is that the users of the system would be able to submit jobs of different types (copies, moves, compressing/extracting files, etc) to the service via a UI and then track their progress and manage them.

Even though bull looked promising, with a nice set of features out of the box, we still had to solve a few problems on our own. After using this library for some time now with success, and seeing that others have similar requirements, I thought I should share our experiences in case someone finds them useful.

We were trying to avoid using an external database and keeping in sync the jobs with bull since we didn't need any advanced querying, plus, it is always a pain point to keep two different sources in sync. One source of truth is always easier...unless the code complexity increases a lot (without even providing a competitive advantage) and suddenly the problems that come with syncing do not sound that bad...

Although we did have a few interesting iterations and used them in production for some time, we ended up going with a database after all.


if you have been using my fork then please stop doing so. All necessary changes are now in the official bull repository.

Fetching jobs by user id#

Approach #1 - Using the bull API#

The first pain point in our quest for a database-less solution, was, that the bull API does not expose a method that you can fetch all jobs by filtering the job data (in which the userId is kept). Even if it did, it would probably be expensive to fetch the data by going through all the Redis HSET structures that the library uses.

Your only API-based option here is to fetch ALL the jobs with Queue.getJobs and do the filtering on the application level. This, of course, is not optimal at all, unless you know that your dataset will always be small. Not our case unfortunately but it might be OK for yours.

Approach #2 - Using a Redis secondary index#

Another approach, since you will already have Redis deployed, is to use a Redis secondary index. The general idea is to store a Redis LIST with all the job ids associated with a user id as the key. Then, you would load that list, loop it, and fetch each job with Queue.getJob.

Once again, nothing is for free. You would need to add logic to maintain those lists, cleanup scripts to ensure that nothing in those lists is dead, etc. Depending on your load, this might have a performance penalty since fetching multiple jobs with one call is not available in the bull API, but, if you are not overdoing it I think you will be fine.

Approach #3 - One queue per user#

Another, more complex approach, if you do not want to use a database, is to use one queue per user in combination with connections re-use. Depending on your use case and your user base, this might be just fine for you. You would still need to have all the queue objects loaded in memory at the same time, route each user request to the appropriate queue (e.g. by maintaining a Map with userId->Queue association), load all existing queues upon service initialization (and since there is no Queue.list method you need to scan Redis manually to get the queue names, and then instantiate the queues), cleanup, etc. If your load is relatively small, with a couple of thousand users, you will probably be ok with this.

If you need to have multiple queues per user, then I am telling you already that this will be far more complex than you think and you should probably avoid it. We have already done that, it worked, but, we weren't very happy with it, it does not scale well, and it will not work in a distributed environment.

If you really want to give it a go, however, the following example code should give you the general idea.

The UserQueue class#

import Queue from 'bull';import _ from 'lodash;
// Keep track of all our user queuesconst userQueues = new Map();
// The `UserQueue` class can serve as a layer between `bull` and your application if you need// multiple queues per user and implement any method that you need here in order to manage// the underlying queues.class UserQueue {  constructor(userId) {    this.queues = new Map();  }    initQueues() {    // Initialize all your queues and for each queue add an entry to the this.queues    // map with the queue type as a key and the Queue object as value. Each queue needs    // to include the userId in it's name along with the queue type in order to be easily    // identifiable e.g. somePrefix:45:copies        // Make sure that you re-use Redis connections here or else you will end up with A LOT    // of open connections since each queue requires at least 3.  }    async getJobs() {    // You basically need to loop all queues and get the jobs from each queue. No need from filtering    // on the application level since all the jobs belong to this user. This is a very simple example    // however, check Queue.getJobs documentation since you might need to pass extra parameters.    const promises =, queue => queue.getJobs());    const jobs = await Promise.all(promises);        return jobs;  }    // Add any other methods you might need to interact with the underlying queues}
// Check if the queue is already in our Map or else instantiate it and add it before returning itfunction loadUserQueue(userId) {  if (userQueues.has(userId) {    return userQueues.get(userId);  } else {    const userQueue = new UserQueue(userId);    userQueues.set(userId, userQueue);        return userQueue;  }}
/*    Upon service initialization*/
// Load all queue key names and extract the user id from the key matchesconst userIds = await getUserIdsFromQueueKeys();
// Instantiate all queues in order to start processing jobs_.forEach(userIds, loadUserQueue);
/*    During normal operation*/
// A request comes in to fetch the jobs for user 45const userQueue = loadUserQueue(45);
const jobs = await userQueue.getJobs();

Approach #4 - Using a database#

If you want to use a database, you need to built a layer in front of bull to bridge them together and control the flow. That layer, can be a service class, or separate functions, or whatever fits your codebase best.

Of course, there is the issue of data synchronization. If, for example, you have some kind of cleanup script that runs Queue.clean every now and then, you need to remove the jobs from your database as well. That's where the queue event handlers come in handy!

The JobService class#

So, an approach with a service class would look like this:

import Queue from 'bull';
class JobService {  constuctor() {    this.queues = new Map();        this.initQueues();  }    /**    Initialize all service queues.        @private  */  initQueues() {    // Initialize all your queues and update `this.queues`        // For each queue run `this.attachQueueHandlers(queue)`  }    /**    Attach event handlers to each queue.        @private  */  attachQueueHandlers(queue) {     queue.on('removed', (job) => {       // Remove from your database    });  }    async add(jobData) {    // Add the job to your database        // Add the job to the appropriate queue but remember to use the id from database by passing    // it to the `Queue.add` method!        return job;  }    async find(filters = {}) {    // Use your database to find the jobs you want  }    // Add any other methods you might need to manage your jobs}
// Global service objectconst jobService = new JobService();const job = await jobService.add(....);

From what you have probably already figured out, if you want more than just fetching the jobs of a specific user, then the place to add more code is here!

Removing an active job in sandboxed environments#


This was another pain point when we started using bull; the inability to remove - basically abort - a running job in a sandboxed environment. The first approach we tried, although it did work for us, it was a bad solution since our fork was straying way far out from the core boundaries of the library. That means, that after a while, maintenance starts becoming a nightmare.

And of course, the nightmare became true after bluebird (which supports promise cancellation) was completely removed from the library. That would mean that our fork would not be able to be in sync with the official repo from now on. To be fair here, I think that move was 100% correct from the bull side and it helped us push in a far better direction. Besides, I do love a challenge!


So, the idea is simple:

  1. Send a kill signal to the sandboxed job processor
  2. Handle the signal from within the processor
  3. Discard the job (in order for bull to not retry it)
  4. process.exit from within the processor and let bull do the rest

As with all recipes, these are the ingredients to make it work:

  • Job.update to be available in the sandboxed environment (added in v3.23.0)
  • Job.discard to be available in the sandboxed environment (added in v3.24.0)
  • A high order function to wrap all our processors with the common functionality

The wrapProcessor function#

The following code snippet shows a simplified version of a higher order function that can be used to wrap all your processors in order to enhance them with your functionality and keeping all that code in one place. In our own wrapper version, we do other things as well, like, processor validation, setting the state of the jobs in our database, wrapping any errors thrown, etc. Any extra functionality that you need to run before and/or after executing the processor, can be done here.

import logger from '/your/logger';
/** * Wraps a processor and adds common functionality to avoid code duplication. * Make sure that ALL processors are exported by being wrapped first. * * @param {Function} processor * @throws {Error} * @returns {Function} */function wrapProcessor(processor) {  async function wrappedProcessor(job) {     const exitHandler = (exitCode) => {      logger.debug(`Received SIGTERM for job id '${}' with exit code '${exitCode}' and PID '${}'`);
      // Discard the job first to ensure that it will not be retried after a process kill.      job.discard();           process.exit(exitCode);    };
    process.on('SIGTERM', exitHandler);
    try {      // Store the process pid in order to be able to abort the process at any time by simply killing it.      await job.update({, pid:});
      const result = await processor(job);
      return result;    } finally {      // Bull internally uses a child pool of forked processors that are being re-used so we need to make sure      // that we remove the listener before the processor returns to the pool or else we will cause memory leakage.      process.removeListener('SIGTERM', exitHandler);    }  }
  return wrappedProcessor;}


// myProcessor.jsimport wrapProcessor from '/some/path/wrap_processor.js'
async function myProcessor(job) {   // Your processor code here      return result;}
// Wrap your processor!export default wrapProcessor(myProcessor);
// main.jsimport Queue from 'bull';import kill from 'tree-kill';
function killJob(queue, jobId) {  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {    try {      const job = await queue.getJob(jobId);            if (!job) {        return resolve(false);      }            // You can also add an extra check here if the PID does not exist      // and return resolve(false) if it's true.            kill(, 'SIGTERM', (err) => {        if (err) {          reject(err);        } else {          resolve(true);        }      });    } catch (e) {      reject(e);    } });}
const queue = new Queue('downloader');queue.process('/some/path/processors/my_processor.js'')const job = await queue.addJob({url: ''});
// The following will send a SIGTERM to the underlying job process, and if it's still active, the// job processor will receive it, exit itself, and the job will be moved to the failed queue by bull.await killJob(queue,; 

And of course, you can always update the JobService class and implement an abort method like so:

class JobService {  // ... omitted previous code for succinctness    async load(id) {    // Load from database        // If id does not exist, throw error        return job;  }    async abort(id) {    const job = await this.load(id);        await this.kill(;        return job;  }    kill(pid) {    // Kill code here  }}

Attaching current state to jobs#


The only way to get the job state with the bull API at the moment is Job.getState. That means, that first, you need to load the job(s) and then call the method. Not very convenient I am afraid, but again, for performance reasons from the bull side, this is how it is.

Approach #1 - Dynamically attach a state field to jobs#

Although this is not very robust since it can break after a bull upgrade, it worked fine for us at the beginning (before we ended up using a database) and it might do the trick for you as well. The following function can be used to attach a state field on each Job object, which is way faster than calling .getState for every each one of them:

import _ from 'lodash';
/** * Enum for possible job states. * * @readonly * @enum {String} */ const JOB_STATE = {   ACTIVE: 'active',   WAITING: 'waiting',   DELAYED: 'delayed',   COMPLETED: 'completed',   FAILED: 'failed',   PAUSED: 'paused',   STUCK: 'stuck',   UNKNOWN: 'unknown' };
/** * The function will use some of the job fields in order to calculate the current state. * * @param {Job} job - The job object. * @see {@link} */ attachStateField(job) {   const {     processedOn = null,     delay = 0,     finishedOn = null,     failedReason = null   } = job;
   const statesPredicateMapping = {     [JOB_STATE.COMPLETED]: () => _.isInteger(finishedOn) && _.isNull(failedReason),     [JOB_STATE.ACTIVE]: () => _.isInteger(processedOn) && _.isNull(finishedOn) && _.isNull(failedReason),     [JOB_STATE.DELAYED]: () => _.isNull(processedOn) && delay > 0,     [JOB_STATE.WAITING]: () => _.isNull(processedOn) && delay === 0,     [JOB_STATE.FAILED]: () => _.isString(failedReason)    };
   job.state = _.findKey(statesPredicateMapping, predicate => predicate()) || JOB_STATE.UNKNOWN;
   return job;}
// Usageconst queue = new Queue('downloader');const jobs = await queue.getJobs();_.forEach(job, attachStateField);

You can also check this discussion thread which includes the above plus a few more ideas in case you want to persue this any further.

Approach #2 - Using a database#

If you are using a database, then this is pretty straightforward. You add the job in the database with a default value, like JOB_STATE.PENDING, and then with the use of the queue events, we can update the job state.

The following is using the JobService from our previous section to show you an example of how to do it:

class JobService {  // ... omitted previous code for succinctness    /**    Attach event handlers to each queue.        @private  */  attachQueueHandlers(queue) {    // Attach on queue all events that can change state like so:     queue.on('active', (job) => {       // Update `state` field in database    });        // Add all the necessary queue event handlers that change state  }}

Using a custom Error object#

Another problem that we had to solve was the need to expose custom error objects from within the processors in order to be able to pass them higher in the call chain and handle them accordingly.

Unfortunately, bull does not have some kind of mechanism at the moment to do that and the only thing you have access to when an error occurs, is the job.failedReason which is a string. So, why not use that to our benefit?


You basically need to create a small mechanism to JSON.stringify the error object you want to store and JSON.parse it before consumption.

One way to do this is by taking advantage of our previously mentioned higher order function, wrapProcessor in combination with a custom Error object that will use the message property of the Error to store a JSON stringified value. The reason we will use the message property is because that's what bull uses to automatically store the failed reason.

After you wrap the error thrown by the processor, you can just re-throw it and parse it in your failed queue event handler or when you load a job with the Queue class. In the following code I will use our JobService class as an example for parsing and handling the error:

// The custom error objectimport ExtendableError from 'es6-error';
class JobError extends ExterndableError {  constructor(code, message) {    this.errorObject = {      code,      message    };        super(JSON.stringify(this.errorObject));  }    getErrorObject() {    return this.errorObject;  }}
// The updated wrapProcessor functionimport logger from '/your/logger';
function wrapProcessor(processor) {  async function wrappedProcessor(job) {    // ... omitted previous code for succinctness
    try {     // ... omitted previous code for succinctness           const result = await processor(job);
      return result;    } catch (e) {      logger.error(e);            if (e instanceof JobError) {        throw e;      } else {        /*           Wrap the error as `JobError` and throw it. You can also create a mapping of "known" errors and assign them          a specific code and error message. For example if you are doing validation within your processor, you could          handle the validation error here and then wrap it as a `JobError`.        */      }    } finally {      // ... omitted previous code for succinctness    }  }
  return wrappedProcessor;}
// myProcessor.jsasync function myProcessor(job) {   // Your processor code here      // Something bad happened, throw error!   throw new JobError('myErrorCode', 'Something very bad happened!');      return result;}
// Wrap your processor!export default wrapProcessor(myProcessor);
// The updated `JobService` import _ from 'lodash';
class JobService {  // ... omitted previous code for succinctness    /**    Attach event handlers to each queue.        @private  */  attachQueueHandlers(queue) {    // Attach on queue all events that can change state like so:     queue.on('failed', (job) => {       const errorObject = this.parseFailedReason(job.failedReason);              // Do whatever you want with `errorObject`    });        // Add all the necessary queue event handlers that change state  }    /**   * Parses failed reason which occurs when the job process gets killed or an error is thrown from within   * the processor. Bull uses the `message` property from any errors inherited from `Error`, so, if that's the case    * we should be able to get a JSON object since we stringified our error object, or else we will just handle    * the `failedReason` parameter as a plain string.   *   * @private   * @see {@link}   * @param {String} failedReason   * @returns {Object}  */  function parseFailedReason(failedReason) {    //    const unexpectedExitString = 'Unexpected exit code';
    try {      return JSON.parse(failedReason);    } catch (e) {      // If we are here, then it means that something out of our control happened      // and the processor never returned a json result string as we expected.      return {        code: _.startsWith(failedReason, unexpectedExitString) ?          'UNEXPECTED_EXIT_ERROR':          'INTERNAL_ERROR',         message: failedReason      };    }  }}

Per-user, per queue concurrency granularity#


The final and toughest pain point was that the concurrency of the named processors was not working as we thought it would.

For our case, we needed to have a concurrency limit per-user, per queue, and at first, the named processors in combination with the concurrency option seemed that it might do the trick. Unfortunately, that was not the case. The plan was to use one named processor per user to apply those limits. Not sure if that would have worked well anyway, but it wasn't a viable option so we didn't pursue it any further.

The following from the bull documentation explains the named processors' concurrency limitation:

/*** * For each named processor, concurrency stacks up, so any of these three process functions * can run with a concurrency of 125. To avoid this behaviour you need to create an own queue * for each process function. */const loadBalancerQueue = new Queue('loadbalancer');loadBalancerQueue.process('requestProfile', 100, requestProfile);loadBalancerQueue.process('sendEmail', 25, sendEmail);loadBalancerQueue.process('sendInvitation', 0, sendInvite);

Approach #1 - One queue per queue type#

If you need a per queue concurrency, then the simplest way to do it is to use separate queues. if your environment has some kind of limitation then you can also re-use your connections as I have already mentioned.

In combination with the UserQueue class, you could also achieve a database-less solution for a per-user, per queue concurrency granularity.

Approach #2 - Using a database#

Let me start by saying that for our own needs, we have a more complex implementation so I will try to simplify this as much as I can to give you a general idea of what you can try on your own.

The idea is this:

  1. Keep track of all jobs in a database with a state and a userId field on each entry
  2. Every time a job is created, completed or failed, a JobService method (let's call it addNextPendingJobs) will take a count of currently active jobs of the user and if they have empty slots, add some more to bull

Sounds straightforward, right? Wrong. If your service accepts parallel requests, you will need to take into account any possible race conditions each time you count the active jobs of a user and deciding whether or not you should add it to the bull queue.

Example scenario:

  1. Request A comes in, you execute a database count
  2. Request B comes in, you execute a database count
  3. Count B returns, slots are available, code starts adding jobs to bull
  4. Before the jobs from Count B have been added to bull and the state has been updated, Count A returns. Slots are available (even though they are not) and code starts adding jobs to bull
  5. You now have more active jobs than your limit allows

So, depending on the database you are using, the atomicity level it offers, whether or not it supports transactions and exclusive locking, you will need to implement your addNextPendingJobs accordingly. In other words, you need to ensure that the entries that are being read during the counting are locked like they are being updated and not allow other operations from modifying them until the transaction ends.

For example, in the SQL world, this can be done with SELECT...FOR UPDATE but this is way out of the scope of this article. If you have NO CLUE what I am talking about then I recommend starting reading material on locking and the documentation of your database before you try anything further.

If your database does not support any of the above, or if you want to use Redis to implement the whole thing, you could also use something like redlock instead.

And of course, you can always process everything in sequence and avoid any possible race conditions, but it will create a bottleneck if you have a big load. As always, depending on your case, it's up to you.

Finally, you will need to use the queue events to handle the completed and failed events and add more jobs whenever necessary.

The updated code in our JobService will look like this:

import logger from '/your/logger';
class JobService {  // ... omitted previous code for succinctness    /**    Attach event handlers to each queue.        @private  */  attachQueueHandlers(queue) {    // Attach on queue all events that can add next pending jobs like so:     queue.on('completed', (job) => {       // this.addNextPendingJobs    });        queue.on('failed', (job) => {      // For the failed scenario, we need to check whether or not the failed job will automatically      // re-run by `bull` before we try to add more jobs      if (job.isDiscarded() || job.attemptsMade >= job.opts.attempts) {        // this.addNextPendingJobs      }    });  }    async create(jobData) {    // ... code        // Add next pending jobs whenever possible without blocking    this.addNextPendingJobs(jobData.userId, jobData.type).catch(logger.error);  }    async addNextPendingJobs(userId, jobType) {     // Start a transaction/take lock          // Count all ACTIVE entries of the specified `userId` and `jobType`          // If the active are less than MAX ALLOWED then update those entries to WAITING     // and start adding them to the appropriate `bull` queue          // Commit transaction/release lock  }}

The above is simplified but it should give you some idea on how to proceed. As a final remark, the whole approach is not bulletproof. You need to ensure that queue stagnation will never happen in case something goes wrong in addNextPendingJobs and more jobs are not added to the queue. A retry strategy can be used or maybe the code that adds more jobs can live in a setInterval if you are using a single service.

Like I said plenty of times before, depends on your use case and there is always room for improvement.


This has been a long post but I wanted to show you that with a little creativity a lot can be accomplished. No magic tool, or a magic library exists out there that will cover all your requirements out of the box, and being eager to jump into a custom solution from the first sign of limitation is a bad tactic. Of course, you will need to spend some time figuring out how an existing solution works, but if its core fits your needs and you can build on top of it, then you will just need to solve a specific set of problems instead of the whole spectrum of what the existing solution is solving.

If you have any questions/feedback for any of the above, then do not hesitate to email me!