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4 posts tagged with "battlefield"

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Authorization in a microservices world

· 26 min read

Authorization? How hard can it be? I am pretty sure that others have already solved it. We are not the first ones doing microservices. It should be easy to integrate what's already out there.

- Everybody when they started designing their microservices, before they cried

Fine-grained authorization in microservices is hard. Definitely not impossible, but hard. You would expect that a more standardized, all-around, full-proof solution is out there, but I am afraid there isn't. It's a complex matter and depending on what you are building, implementation varies.

You will probably start with a boolean admin flag in your User model and then you will replace it with a role field, as we all did. However, as things progress and the business model becomes more and more complex, so do the solutions that we need to implement in order to deal with that complexity.

But how do you actually go from a simple flag to Role Based Access Control (RBAC) and then to Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC), especially in a microservices environment? In the following post I hope to help you get there.

(UPDATE: 02/04/2022): This article made it to the HackerNews frontpage and some interesting comments can be found here. Feel free to participate!

Node.js fork is slow; Deal with it

· 5 min read

Yes. I know. Forking a process in Node.js is slow. Instead of crying about it, let's see how we can handle it!

Let's assume that you have a service in which you:

  1. Accept a request
  2. Fork a process with child_process.fork
  3. Execute some code within that process
  4. Exit from the child process
  5. Complete the request

Probably the first thing you tried was to receive the request, spin up a process, do whatever you need in the processor, and exit. You timed the whole thing and your jaw dropped that it took a million years for the request to complete, even if you are just doing a console.log('I love kittens') inside your processor.

Don't bother. I will tell you right now that the bottleneck is the forking.

JavaScript Objects Cachification

· 14 min read

In one of our backend services, we have a class, that is basically the business model of the service and is used in many locations within the code. At some point, we decided that we need to do some caching since a few methods were doing very expensive calls to other remote services and they didn’t need to occur that often.

How do you add caching to a class that is used very often within the rest of the codebase in the least intrusive way? You wrap the prototype of the class of course! And how do you wrap the prototype of the class? With another function that does the wrapping of course!